• Plane Sage

Traditional Incenses (Smudges) of the First Nations


All our herbs are collected in a traditional way with the utmost care for the environment and with respect for the spirits of the plants. They are all from wildculture, meaning they have not been cultivated and grow in the wild. When they are being picked, we keep in mind to leave sufficiently for future generations.



The plane sage (artemisia ludoviciana), used as smudge, purifies and sanctifies our space. It’s a medicinal plant that has numerous properties. It also repels mosquitos and other insects. Its Blue Eagle’s favorite sage. It grows wild all over the American and Canadian prairies.


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Plane Sage

  • 14.00$

Tags: Sage, Meadows, wand, Invocation, Eagle, Blue, Native American, Authotone, Spirituality, Cleaning, Smell, wand, Incense, traditional, First, Nations,